Monday, January 4, 2010

Week One | 2010

It a new year. 2010. (like you didn't know that already huh?)

2009 is over and I think I speak for most people when I say "thank goodness!!!"

What a tough uneventful year that was not the highlight of my life thus far.

Now I'm sure I did many fun things and spent great time with great people, but I can't remember one thing that stands out to me that happened in 2009.

That's okay, let's move on to 2010. A fresh year and the year for change. Yes, that's right not maybe, or sometime later this year. NOW. After all, Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. I can confess, 2009 was a year of Insanity.

So we all set New Year Resolutions, and probably most of us have the same resolutions as years prior, right? I do. It sucks to look back and see how we failed miserably. Why do accept this thing called Insanity?

This year is time for change though! I've began my journey for my most important resolution. Getting fit again and getting back in those Express size 26 Swarovski Crystal embellished jeans I so dearly loved LOVE.

I still love them I just love them from afar, as they sit on my "before" clothes in my closet. By before I mean; before I started the downward spiral we will call "the capital of the state" and "the restaurant we didn't have in the mountains back home."

I've began my journey with my personal trainer @WhitStyles at Styles Fitness Group. Whit is a young 20 something like myself that is doing her dream and helping me do mine. She left the corporate world, something we all wish we could do and is out there on her own, making it and looking good doing it. I not only aspire to be like her, but to dream like her.

Puma Bootcamp kickoff pic --->

(yes I am pictured here)

So my next resolution is to find something I love and DO IT. Don't get me wrong I like my job and the flexibility but I'm so tired of working for someone else doing "minion" work. I'm not using my full potential and I feel like I'm stuck here because I have bills. It's a vicious cycle. Granted, if I had less bills to pay, I'd be better off and enjoying my days off instead of working 2 other jobs. That part takes time to chip away at.

But even so, I'll repeat myself- I feel like I'm not using my full potential, in fact; this is boring. I could do this job in my sleep. I could be doing anything I want, just like my parents told me when I was young, but here I am in retail ten years later, cause I'm good at it, and truthfully, it's the ONLY thing on my resume. I don't want to be good at retail, this job was supposed to end when I finished school. Why am I still here?

I'm creative, outgoing, open minded, nice, happy, and I have a personality (which many people don't). I can do anything if taught once. I learn quick and have more common sense than you can shake a stick at. I have 2 main things that interest me that could be the rest of my life... Volkswagen and Electronic Music. That's where I get stuck.

I won't dwell on this last part, cause I've got my 2010 plan sorted out and firing on all cylinders. One leads to the other. I will use my full potential in all that I do this year. I may feel stuck, but I'm wedging my way out and the rest of my twenty-somethings won't go to waste. Promise.

Here's to Week 1 in 2010!

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