Thursday, March 11, 2010


So it seems that I've fallen off the blog-wagon! It's been weeks since I've written in here!
So much has happened in the past 3 weeks. The reason I haven't logged on is that my laptop has a virus and I can't get on it to use it, so I'm stuck with the ol' iPhone to get online. Writing a blog on a handheld device is not exactly the easiest.
I am doing just that right now though. In my defense, it was either stare at nothing for the next 4 hours or try to put this together. As you can see I'm tapping away with my thumbs on a digital keyboard smaller than my palm.

I'm now in my third month with my personal trainer. It's going good still and although I'm not loosing inches I do feel better. Currently I am in a 3-day routine, so I should really step it up and add a few days each week.
That all leads me to work. Oh work, how I loathe the 6 day work week. It's not that I do hard labor or anything difficult, but let me tell you, I'm so bored. I stand for 7+ hours a day and speak to no one. I watch people walk by, think too much, eat, watch people, think and eat some more. (doesn't sound like the trainer wants to hear that huh?) Though you may not think so, at the end of the day I'm mentally exhausted. Maybe I think too much but there's nothing else to do when you work in silence 6 days a week, sometimes 7.

This then leads me to my new adventure... Doing what I love and possibly, eventually for a living!
I have begun to take the steps to try my hand at Gogo Dancing. I was able to do my first gig on the 19th of February at a bar/club in my hometown during their Mardi Gras party week.
Let me just say, I now know what it's like, and Ms. Easy is in the right business! I had so much fun and burned so many calories! Double bonus! My PT loves to hear that calorie count!

Let me just tell you what it's like if you don't know and clarify for those of you who have a raised eyebrow.
When you are the Gogo dancer...
- you have to start dancing before anyone else has even thought about coming to the dancefloor. If you are the least bit shy, this might not be your cup of tea.
- you are the least dressed person in the place and rightfully so. Dancing hard (see below) for 3+ hours will wear you out and you will sweat. Even the smallest articles of clothing get hot after a while.
- when everyone is watching you, you have to dance hard. By that I mean move it like you mean it, using your arms, legs, head/hair flips, smile and of course what your Mama gave ya.
- Gogo dancers are NOT strippers. I don't know if people know the difference but I just thought I'd throw that out there just in case.
-if you think Gogo dancers are drinking up on the stage and shaking it like they are for multiple hours you'd be wrong. Maybe some dancers do, but for the most part it's a strenuous activity and keeping hydrated is key. Alcohol is only going to hydrate your lack of a personality.
- some drunk people are annoying to the Gogo dancers and again, Ms. Easy is justified in her tweets to the crazies. Being touched, egged on and anything else is really frustrating. I'm working so don't bother me. 
Don't get me wrong I can be friendly and talk/dance with you but take a hint if you notice the Gogo dancer moves to the other side of the platform. You're wasted, they're not, so they're not as amused as you are.

There is so much more to write about but I wouldn't want to spoil the following weeks blog entries.
I have two more shows coming up here soon. The first is "Equal Friday" at Bourbon Street on March 12. The next will be "Synchronized" in Harrisonburg on April 3rd . I'll post the flyer up once I get the file in my email.

Other than that everything else is same ol' same ol'. 
Coming up in April I will be going on my OneSight mission for two weeks in Chicago. We will be giving the gift of sight to over 3000 school children. Super exciting!

Until then, here's to spring and daylight savings time (which by the way starts on 3/14)


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